Friday, August 31, 2012

in search of treasure

Crazy days!!! July and August have been crazy and insane months. Between surgery and Grandmas passing, and recovering from surgery, and having mom and dad home for grandma’s memorial I am hoping September will be slow and boring.  
While it was good to have my parent’s home and to get to see family I haven’t seen in a long time it wasn’t the greatest of circumstances. I love my family and cant believe how blessed I am to have them in my life. We had beautiful memorial that my parents planed from half way across the country, and all my Grandma’s siblings were able to attend.
                In April 2003, Thomas S. Monson gave an awesome talk that I love to listen to its called ‘In search of treasure'
Presidant Monson says we need 1-learn form the past. 2-prepare for the future. 3-live in the present. President Manson tells a touching story of a young accomplished violin player who has gotten the opportunity to play for and orchistra and will be able to make enough money to send some home to his mom and siblings, then that same week, he gets a mission call. The only way for him pay for his mission with out having his mother sale more land is to sale the violin. he chooses to sell his prize possession to serve the lord. In a journal entry many years later he writes saying it was the best choice he has ever made. 
To prepare for the future  President Monson shares a few verses from a song that go like this- "Wishing will make it so, Just keep on wishing, And care will go." how true we know that not to be. We must strive everyday to make our dreams come true and take the necessary steps, my dad used to say "want in one hand, crap in the other and see what one fills up faster" we must prepare. To quote the talk Thomas S. Monson says "Our journey into the future will not be a smooth highway which stretches from here to eternity. Rather, there will be forks and turnings in the road, to say nothing of the unanticipated bumps. We must pray daily to a loving Heavenly Father, who wants each of us to succeed in life."
Living in the present can be challenging the past can be hard to over come and the future is easy to get caught up in as well. don't be the woman with the fancy clothes waiting for a special occasion in the example given in the talk. wear a new out fit to go grocery shopping. tell the people around you that you love them. Don't think that tomorrow you'll do it, you never know what tomorrow brings, will you be able to tell them tomorrow?  Sadly not always.
My grate aunt Sharron gave a touching eulogy about a woman I hardly knew.  I learned a lot about my Grandma and her kind and giving spirit that I didn’t know before. She was a very hard working woman and loved to care for people. Sadly I don't get the chance to find these things out first hand from Grandma I get to learn them after the fact second hand. 
                                                    all Gunter siblings and spouses
                                             Grandpa Murphy, Dennis, Tawnia, Bob
                                                           Gunter sibling 
                                                The cousins, most of them any way
                                                         The Murphy family
                                      (in the middle) Kolene with her parents and younger siblings

                                                        Me and Grandma

If you haven't you must ready the talk it can be found at the above link provided it works or at search Thomas S. Monson 2003 "in search of treasure"

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